Our Treatments


Micronutrient Analysis (Spectracell Laboratories): This is a blood test that measures how micronutrients are actually functioning within your white blood cells (vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants). In my case, I was only deficient in Magnesium and started pharmaceutical grade supplments right away (that explains all the toe cramps).

Urine Toxic Metals Test (Doctors Data):

Both Eric and I found out we had elevated levels in:

– Mercury

– Lead

– Thallium

We did a heavy metal detox following Dr. Pompa’s protocol. It can take a long period of time to detox, we chose to detox for 3 months, and then we waited a few more months for my body to clear the toxins. Aftewards we headed for our first IVF procedure.

24 Hour Complete Hormone Test (Genova Diagnostics): 

Dr Pompa had me take both the 24 Hour Complete Hormone Panel from Genova Diagnostics and a Urine Toxic Metals Test from Spectracell. He also had Eric take the Urine Toxic Metals test to find out what toxins may be floating around in both of our bodies and that may be in our brain.


24 Hour Complete Hormone Test:

– Extremely High Cortisol (typically due to stress). You should be from 57-370 and mine was 653.

– Extremely High Cortisone (typically due to wide spread inflammation). You should be from 146-797  and mine was 2,546.

– Low Estrogen Metabolism (Higher Risk of Breast Cancer). You should be from 1.7-2.8 and mine was 1.3.

– High Levels of Toxic Estrogen (16a Hydroxyestrone which is the 2nd most toxic form of estrogen).

My body was in a constant “fight of flight” mode. My adrenals were maxed and my body was having trouble handling any stress whether it be physical, emotional or chemical. A good example would be a fire alarm. It can go off for you and you are fine. It goes off for me and my body is in a state of panic, my heart races, my nerves tremble and words don’t want to come out of my mouth properly. 

This test is a life saving test for so many of Dr. Pompa’s patients and I would like to add my name to the list because if I didn’t find out now that I was at risk for cancer, who knows what would happen many years from now. I am of course not out of the woods as I have to work on improving this result but thank god I know now and not later.

For those of you who don’t know or don’t realize it, every day you are exposed to toxins. Maybe you are like us who have/had amalgam fillings in your mouth (silver or black fillings), eat fish that may contain mercury, were exposed to lead paint in a house that was built before 1978, played with toys or jewelry that may have contained lead, or are even using the new “reusable” bags made from China that have traces of lead. Honestly, there are so many ways to be exposed to toxins but for our sake we now know our levels and can work on detoxing them out of our body and keep trying on preventing exposures 


I was on several different supplemental protocols to work on combatting oxidative stress, inflammation, down regulate my cortisol, and open up my methlyation pathways so that my body could try to get my hormones back in balance.  We also had our amalgams removed safely. Not all dentists know the proper protocols and the last thing you want is mercury posioning during the removal.

 Diet was also very important to not only helps combat stress but I had to reduce inflammation. We tossed gluten, processed foods, minimized dairy and went back to basics. Veggies, Healthy Meats, Nuts, and Fruits. 

Chiropractic Adjustments: I went about 2-3 times per week and now go about 1 time a week for maintenance adjustments. 


I completed a 6 month program with Joanna Fortune. You can learn more about fertility acupuncture from her website.   The Acupuncture was a great experience and I learned a lot from Joanna and after my program I worked with Dr. Pompa to address some of the problems which she was finding. 

DR PATRICK FLYNN (Chiropractor & Nutrition Expert):

I completed a supplemental protocol from Dr. Flynn.  He has helped a lot of women with infertility and is an extremley great resource. Make sure to check him out: 


Blood Test

Pap Smear: I don’t think an explanation is needed. But, in my case I had my completed routinely with no problems.

Gynecologic ultrasonography

Endometrial Biopsy: Used to remove a sample of the lining of the uterus. The tissue undergoes an evaluation to aid in diagnosis.

There are a number of reasons for a Dr. to do an Endometiral biopsy. In my case I was having abnormal vaginal bleeding therefore they wanted to make sure I didn’t have any abnormal lining (endometrial hyperplasia) or cancer.

Hysterosalpingogram: a radiologic procedure to investigate the shape of the uterine cavity and the shape and patency of the fallopian tubes. It entails the injection of a radio-opaque material into the cervical canal and usually fluoroscopy  with image intensification. A normal result shows the filling of the uterine cavity and the bilateral filling of the fallopian tube with the injection material. To demonstrate tubal rupture spillage of the material into the peritoneal cavity needs to be observed (Wikipedia).

My results varied from Doctor to Doctor. The Radiologist who did the test told me my right side was blocked and showed me the screen. He also asked if I was ever hit hard on my right side…at that time I was shocked and thought of course I have been hit hard I played sports my entire life, who doesn’t get hit in basketball or soccer? My Gynecologist referred me immediately to a reproductive specialist as she could not do anything else for me. The Specialist reviewed the results but assumed that I may have just had a spasm (which can occur) that blocked the material in entering my fallopian tube. My latest Dr. was positive that it wasn’t blocked and that the radiologist did not insert the catheter up high enough to allow the material to enter the fallopian tube. In any case, I had to do a 2nd procedure to confirm that it was open.


Day 3 Blood Test: FSH, PRL, TSH Rubella and Varicella: This is standard blood work ordered for the evaluation of hormonal conditions. From my understanding my blood tests came back fine.

Sonohysterogram: An ultrasound procedure that uses saline infusion to identify abnormalities within the uterine cavity. Takes place between days 5-10 of your cycle. It is very similar to a Hysterosalpingogram but they say it hurts less. I felt this one was more uncomfortable but I was also worried and tense.

During the procedure the technician hovered over the screen to watch the solution via the ultrasound screen run through my uterus. At first they weren’t sure and hesitated and then she said I believe it has gone through. I made sure she confirmed it before I left because they both hesitated a bit too much.

Confirmation of an LH Surge (OVULATION): By using the kit it is possible to detect the production of LH (hormone) which triggers the egg to release (ovulation).

I highly recommend that anyone who is trying to get pregnant to make your lives easier and use the ClearBlue Easy Ovulation kit. Use first morning urine on days 10-14 until you see a smiley face (no hard to read pink lines). Once you see a smiley face your are ready for baby making or  in my case more tests and an IUI (Intrauterine Insemination).

If you are working with a specialist your doctor will most likely bring you in that day for a blood draw to test your hormone levels, and a transvaginal ultrasound to measure the uterine lining thickness and the size of the follicle(s). In my case, everything looked good to them so I was approved for more baby making ASAP!

Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate): an oral medication used to induce ovulation in women who may not ovulate or treating women who do ovulate but still have not conceived. Clomid is well tolerated by most people, for me it was “Amie’s Bitchy, Irritable Drug”.Clomid is an anti-estrogen which acts at the level of the hypothalamus and pituitary to cause increased production of GnRH, FSN, and LH. These hormones are critical for the selection, development and release of eggs.

The pills for me were taken by mouth starting on cycle day 3 for a total of 5 days. On day 11 testing began for ovulation. The day I received a smiley face, I took my smiley face to the office for another ultrasound and blood test to confirm that the drug was working for me and it was, my follicle count increased. I enjoyed the drug (with lots of sarcasm) clomid for 4 cycles (3 with IUI and one without)

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): IUI is a treatment for several infertility problems including: cervical barrier to sperm, a low sperm count and/or low motility and unexplained infertility.

Step 1: Use your ovulation predictor kit and once you see a smiley face you are ready to go. Call the office and schedule our insemination the very next day.

Step 2: Your partner arrives 2 hours prior to collect a sperm specimen. The sperm cells are separated from the semen plasma through a laboratory process called “washing”. The sperm is counted and analyzed for motility.

Step 3: Once the sperm are “washed” your up for your procedure. The procedure is done with a soft insemination catheter and a syringe. The sperm is drawn up into the syringe, which fits to the end of the catheter. This tube is then inserted through the cervix into the uterus. You will then lie down for at least 10 minutes (I stayed as long as possible!) after the procedure is done.

Step 4: Pray, wait, wait some more and hope you don’t get your period.

Eric and I completed 3 IUI’s with clomid and 1 cycle with clomid (no IUI). After 3 IUI’s we meet with our physician to discuss the next step and her last and only recommendation was IVF. We could still do 3 more IUI’s at this office, but we decided to opt for a second opinion before jumping to our last option, IVF.

REPRODUCTIVE SPECIALIST #2 –  Magee Women’s Reproductive & Endocrinology

Anti-Sperm Antibodies and IVF Preliminary Screening: This is a test to determine if Eric’s Immune System is killing his own sperm. They did not run this at RHS. His test results turned out great.

Day 3 Blood Test running Estradiol and FSH Together: By running Estradiol and FSH together this will give my Dr an insight on my egg reserve. Results – good egg reserve! PHEW! Not a test you enjoy waiting for the results.

Transvaginal Ultrasound: Another routine ultrasound to look at my ovaries, fibroids and any cysts that I may have, as I have had them in the past.

Hysterosalpingogram: (see description above) My Doctor noticed something on my right side via the ultrasound report so he wanted to be 100% sure  my right fallopion tube was open. During the procedure it was confirmed that both were wide open and I got to see the screen for myself. Reccomendation to anyone going through this, is to RELAX. My first time I was nervous so I tensed up the second time I made sure to breathe and do my best to relax which made the procedure so much better.

Blood Tests:  TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormones), T3 (Testosterone), Prolactin: My results for TSH and Prolactin levels were higher than they would like for fertility. I believe my TSH was at 12 and Prolactin 29. Dr. Wakim recommended two drugs at the smallest does: Levothyroxine for my thyroid and Bromocryptine for my Prolactin levels. After taking both for 4 weeks they tested me again to make sure I was responding to the drugs. The 2nd and 3rd blood tests have confirmed that they are working and I am not in the ideal range. NOTE: My endocrinologist and Natural Dr both confirmed new studies that your TSH should be under 3.0 to conceive. It increases your chance. Both agreed that not too many Doctors are aware of this and use the normal thyroid ranges (I beleve 10 being good).

Laporoscopy Surgery: After reading “The Infertility Survival Handbook” about Laporoscopy, researching it, and talking to a close friend about her story and experience, we decided to give Dr. Wakim a call to hear this thoughts. His assistant returned our call and said he approves of the procedure since he knows we will do anything possible before IVF and were referred to his colleague Dr. Sanfilippo (August 2011).  At this point we left for our European adventure and returned with 4 dates on the calendar: Pre-op, Another Sonohysterogram (Dr S wanted to see the inside of my uterus again before surgery), Surgery, and Post-Op.

Laporoscopy surgery is used to diagnose and removed mild to moderate endometriosis. 3 small incisions are made in the abdomen, the surgeon inserts a lighted laparoscopy through a small incision along with instruments.

Pre-Surgery – The day prior to surgery I was only allowed breakfast, light lunch and clear fluids for dinner. I had to perform a Fleet Enema and insert a pill vaginally before bed.

Surgery – My surgery lasted approximately 1 hr but I had to arrive 2 hours before surgery to fill out paperwork and get ready. After surgery my stay was longer due to having the shakes and heart palpatations coming out of surgery. After an EKG and being cleared by cardiology I was allowed to leave. A quick note – you will most likely receive a catheder and breathing tube during surgery. Both areas will be sore the next 24 hours.

Results – I have moderate (level 3) endometriosis and never had a lot of symptoms, which is why none of the several Doctors I met with pushed for this test.  They found it above my uterus, below my uterus, on ligaments and on my ovary. They burnt all areas of the endometriosis to get rid of it temporarily, as it can grow back.  They removed an endometiran (blood filled cyst) on my left ovary, removed a cyst on my right tube, and checked all my organs and the inside and out of my uterus. They flushed my tubes with dye for the 5th time to confirm my tubes are open, and they smoothed out my uterus getting rid of things that looked like polyps. They will know what they were once the pathology test comes back. Lastly I have scar tissue around my appendix but they said my appendix looked healthy so they left it alone.

Post – Op – Dr. Sanfalippo was very positive after our surgery. All three areas were healing nicely and I could start to slowly workout. His suggestion to us was to give it until the end of the year to try naturally. That everything looked good from surgery and if we don’t get pregnant naturally by January then he too suggests IVF.

MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) 

What it is:  an enzyme/protein that is used to activate folic acid, a crucial B vitamin for pregnancy.  In certain cases, the MTHFR gene does not activate the folic acid to it’s full capacity: heterozygous MTHFR carriers activate folate at 60-70%; homozygous carriers only activate folate at 10%.  Among the more common are mutations called C677T and A1298C, with the former often called the more problematic of the two. A person can be either heterozygous or homozygous for either or both of these MTHFR gene mutations.

Result: I tested positive  as a carrier for heterozygous A1298C gene mutation. My body is most likely not absorbing B vitamins and Folic Acid properly. I am now taking MORS (Systemic Formulas) as it has the proper combination of L-methylfolate, B6, B12 so my body/cells can now absorb it.


What it is:  it is an autoimmune disease in which the thyroid gland is gradually destroyed by a variety of cell and antibody-mediated immune processes. It was the first disease to be recognized as an autoimmune disease. It was first described by the Japanese specialist Hashimoto Hakaru in Germany in 1912. (Wikipedia).

Result: I did not test positive. I am good to go. 

IVF:  We decided to wave our white flags and take the last remaining option and opted for IVF. We sat through a mandatory conference which took us through all our options, the process, and the success rates. Attending the conference was eye opening and made us realize we were not alone. We met a lot of great couples at the conference and felt very positive about the experience. 

We have done IVF 3 times, 2 times with fresh embryos and 1 time with a frozen cycle. 

 1st  attempt was with Dr. Wakim at Magee Medical Center. We got a BFN (big fat negative) and luckily planned a vacation to St. Thomas in advance. Our friends were getting married so we knew planning IVF before the trip would be good. We would either be celebrating that we would be parents, or taking time together to enjoy a beautiful place and relax our minds. We definitely soaked in the sun and recharged our emotional batteries.

 2nd attempt was a fresh cycle at RHS with Dr. Albert. This time we had a BFP (big fat positive)! Right before the 4th of July I started to spot, this was after the procedure. I assumed just like every other time, that I would be getting my period. We all cried, even our extended family. That Tuesday, I called the office in the morning and asked do I have to come in? It was a bit of a drive to make before work and I was so exhausted from grieving. The nurse gave me hope and said “honey, we have women who have bled their entire pregnancy, don’t give up hope”. So, I drove into the office saying lots of prayers, as they stuck me with a needle, I prayed and cried some more. I asked them please do not call me at work with the results but call my husband. All day at work I avoided my cell phone but stared at the clock wondering if Eric would call, text or wait for me to get home to deliver the bad news. Around 3pm my phone lit up a text, while I was sitting in my cube. It was lyrics to a Jason Aldean song “We tried so hard, we almost gave up hope” “We did it babe, were pregnant!” “Congratulations!”. I RAN for a conference room suffocating and holding back as much emotion as I could. I called him with smiles and tears making sure that he triple checked that they were reading the correct results. I WAS PREGNANT! God answered our prayers and the next 9 months I was wrapped in bubble wrap and didn’t do anything crazy as I was terrified to lose our little one. 9 months later, Owen our sweet boy was born. 

 3rd attempt was a frozen cycle. This was a stressful time as I started all the shots in AZ, traveled accross the country with my family (including our dog) and headed to my parents house as our base camp. A few weeks later we were in Pittsburgh for the transfer. Traveling, staying with family, taking a load of shots & medications,  and having the potential news that we might be moving again and moving fast started to take it’s toll on me. I would never admit it, but I was struggling with everything. We did the transfer and I was back in my hometown with my family. While playing at the park with my son, we got the great news that we were pregnant! I was so excited and yet so consumed with the fact that we made the decision to move from AZ to Charlotte, NC. I wouldn’t be going back to AZ but I was going to go with Owen to my sisters in Atlanta for a week or so, while Eric went back to pack us up. A week later, while driving to Atlanta I felt some pain and noticed bleeding. It was only a few spots so I assumed it was ok. The next morning while at my sisters it wasn’t ok. I was bleeding and I just knew it wasn’t good. I sent Eric off to meet his friend who was in town from Germany and headed to the ER with my sister and Owen. She dropped me off and after being admitted it happened, I had a miscarriage with the nurses right there to support me. I bawled, prayed, and even got to see my baby. Yes, he/she was only 5 weeks old but it was a baby,  my baby. The nurses wouldn’t leave my side until my husband arrived. They cried with me and made sure I was ok as I lost a ton of blood, more blood than a normal miscarriage. While reflecting in bed, I realized that I should have spent more time enjoying my baby and being pregnant. I was so consumed with our move and the details of how are we going to start again, that I never gave him/her the love they needed. God, sent me a message and I was listening.